Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Honoring the American Flag

Giving God the respect He is due for blessing America

by R. Douglass Mahaffey

      This is a video that I posted on YouTube about a dishonored American Flag that I rescued from the side of the road in Alvord, Texas on April 21, 2014 while driving my pest control route.

I would like to see this video go viral... Not so I can merely say that I have a video on YouTube that went viral. This isn't about me. This is about respect for the Colors of the United States of America. Please LIKE, Share and Comment on this video and make sure people see it. I found an American Flag on the roadside in Alvord, Texas yesterday while driving my pest control route. I took it and attempted to clean the flag so that it could fly with honor and dignity and there was just too much mold and stains all over it. I cleaned it as much as I could, folded it correctly and will frame it on my wall. Again, this is not about me. This is a cause much greater than me. This is about respecting the American Flag and teaching our children to do the same!

R. Douglass Mahaffey - Founder and Publisher of The Wise Conservative